Friday, September 30, 2011


This is my inaugural post on my first and only blog – Doug’s List. Thanks for taking the time to read it.

Why Doug’s List?
When it came time (after a long period of indecision) to write a blog, I had to think about an appropriate name. Of course there were all kinds of options, but in the end I thought about what a blog should be and what it was that I wanted to talk about. And soon the answer became obvious. Friends and colleagues will tell you that, for years, I have maintained a “list” that is often referred to as Doug’s List. For the most part Doug’s List is NOT something you want to be associated with. It is for all intents and purposes a list of things that drive me crazy. In order to earn a spot on the list, it has to be something pretty bad. I think of myself as a pretty patient person in many regards (no laughter from the cheap seats please). But there are those  things so ridiculous that they earn a spot on Doug’s List. So, this will be an opportunity for me to express opinions and write about stuff that happens in my world. Before you jump to the conclusion that all I’m going to write about is the “bad” stuff, I will say that Doug’s List is simply the name of the blog. I plan to write about lots of things, hopefully some of them will be interesting, informative, entertaining and amusing. And yes, some of them will be about the “bad” stuff that happens in my world.

Who am I?
I am Doug Turner. I am a husband, father, coach, ceo, colleague and probably a whole bunch of other words (according to people who might not like me so much) that I shouldn’t use in a forum as public as a blog. I am the CEO of Mantis Technology Group , a small software company based in Kirkland, WA. More here later…

Again, thanks for reading.